“I wish at all times, in this work, to remain a scientist. To be focused in thought, to achieving truth and not a mass of illusion. Because one can be lost in a quagmire of information which has no substance to it. It is our intuition that guides us. It comes from a Higher Power.”

- Marcel Vogel

Tonie's Intuitive Sessions are based upon a variety of vibrational healing modalities, meditation and prayer.


  • Psychic Guidance

    Expect loving guidance as she receives intuitive and channeled information intended just for your greater good. Each reading is a unique experience that can range from general intuited advice to channeling from a specific loved one.

  • Channeling

    Tonie describes channeling as “tapping the well of Universal knowledge”. It can come in the form of messages from a loved one, from Universal Consciousness, or Spirit Guides.

  • Infinite Possibilities Life Coach

    “Thoughts become Things” Let’s choose the good ones.”

    Let Tonie be your “Progress Partner” in creating a safe, empowered, and abundantly happy life. Using material included in, but not limited to the philosophies of Mike Dooley as described in the best selling book Infinite Possibilities. “Thoughts become Things” Let’s choose the good ones.”

  • Crystal Healing

    In the private setting of your choice, you will be guided to find your innate well being. The human body holds the keys to it’s own healing. Tonie uses ancient methods and scientifically developed crystal tools to help you find, move, and release blocked and stagnant flows of energy. This opens up your bodies natural healing paths.

“Expect loving guidance as I recieve intuitive and channeled information intended just for you.”

– Tonie